Band Trips

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2025 Spring Trip

Registration for our 2025 Spring Trip to LA and Disneyland is open now through January 12th.  You won’t want to miss out on this amazing experience!  Over 4 days and 3 nights you’ll

This opportunity is open to members of any CHS band.  It’s a great time of bonding and community building that your musician won’t want to miss!  Be on the lookout for an in-person information session in the near future.

Full information can be found here.

A few students have asked about the 2025 Spring trip to LA who had not registered, but wanted to know if they could still do so now.

The short answer is YES!

The current price for 75 students is $1779 per student. They do offer a payment plan, if you prefer. If we have more students participate, the cost goes down, and the company will offer a couple options for the overpayment (meal vouchers, reduce the amount of the last payment, etc).

If you choose to register, the company will put you on a waiting list, and notify Mr. Riler. he would then approve the registration and you will be on board.

We currently have 75 students committed and registered for the trip, so there is plenty of room for a few more.